Skulski Consulting is OPEN for business!

Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for stopping by my web site (or new virtual office, so to speak). I am so very excited to share this news with you…..
After more than 20 years in the field, I have decided to launch my own firm, Skulski Consulting LLC! In preparation, I have received incredible support and advice from family and longtime colleagues. All of them understand how much I enjoy working with practitioners from Rocky Mountain, Golden Gate and Grand Canyon National Parks to the Buffalo Grove and Arlington Heights Park Districts and all the places in between. My focus (and passion as it has been for the last 20 plus years) is service delivery advocating universal design and the full inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of recreation, parks, tourism, and community.
Professional services are available for training, accessibility assessments, facilitated ADA Transition Planning, policy review for ADA Self RE-evaluations, project conceptualization and plan reviews. Send me an e-mail and let’s set up a time to talk by phone about how I can help out your organization. (email: jennifer THE AT SYMBOL skulskiconsulting dot com)
Be sure to bookmark my blog for new posts on Accessibility Management, the 25th anniversary of the ADA, and emerging trends.
Best —